More on: Risk Management

Driving for work and running a fleet both carry significant risks that businesses must acknowledge. Browse our articles about the corporate responsibility of running a safe and compliant fleet, and how to minimize risk for your business.


The Fleet Insider: A spotlight on driver coaching with Jason Fitzgerald

Jason Fitzgerald, Commercial Director ay Praiso joins us for the third episode of The Fleet Insider podcast. We discuss critical aspects of fleet safety and how technology can play a pivotal role in nurturing improved driving habits among your team of drivers.


Quartix launches vehicle check app at $2 per month

Quartix today announced the launch of a new app for fleets looking to improve safety and support compliance requirements around vehicle checks and driver safety.

Vehicle safety checks

Paperless vehicle checks and incident reports

Using our intuitive app, Quartix Check, your drivers can record industry-standard or custom vehicle inspections directly on their device.


Understanding after-sales support from your telematics provider

In this Fleet Momentum episode with Automotive Fleet, our Sales Director, Sean Maher, answers questions about common after-sales experiences and how to choose the best telematics provider for your business.

Company Vehicle Tire Health

The importance of monitoring staff vehicle checks

By monitoring regular vehicle checks closely, you get insight into how well your fleet is performing and can take action to correct any problems.


Review and elevate your customers’ experience

We asked Investor in Customers to offer their expert advice on how businesses can take their customer experience (CX) to the next level.

quartix installer working

Moving a tracker: How to maintain access to your data

Ensuring that you have uninterrupted access to your vehicle tracking data is our number one goal. Here's what to keep in mind when moving a tracker between vehicles.


Maintaining a healthy fleet during times of inactivity

Vehicle tracking is always a valuable tool for a business that relies on its mobility, but it can be just as useful to your fleet during periods of inactivity.


US Vehicle Tracking Laws Guide

A comprehensive guide to the legal requirements for business that utilize a vehicle tracking system.

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See for yourself how Quartix works with our fully interactive real-time demo.

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