More on: Driver Management

Effective fleet management is as much about managing and coaching the drivers of a fleet, as it is about managing the vehicles. Browse our content to better relate to vehicle use from your staffs' perspective and communicate how, as drivers, they can bring about positive business results.


20 vehicle tracking terms you need to know

We all know that a ‘trip’ means a journey, but what exactly defines a ‘trip’ on a vehicle tracking report? Learn what these key telematics terms mean to help you with conversations about vehicle tracking systems.


Vehicle tracking devices: What are my options?

Learn about the three different types of tracking devices available from Quartix and how these suit the physical requirements of your fleet and your reporting needs.


The Benefits of Vehicle Tracking for Drivers

Your guide to explaining the many ways that vehicle tracking can help drivers - from protecting them from false claims and keeping them safe out on the roads.

Quartix driver ID key fob

Getting the complete picture with Driver ID

When employees share a vehicle, it can be difficult to establish who bears responsibility for particular events or who deserves the credit for a good driving record. Enter Driver ID fobs!


Four key benefits vehicle tracking offers to drivers

A lot has been written about the benefits of telematics for businesses and company owners, but vehicle tracking also offers valuable support to the people who drive a company’s trucks, vans or any other vehicles. Far from being a surveillance system implemented to punish employees, here are four ways that vehicle tracking can help drivers improve their skills, protect them from false claims and keep them safe out on the roads.


Introducing the new ‘Plug and Track’ Quartix self-install option

If hardwired units aren’t the best option for your business, the plug and track option offers all the great features you need, but without the permanence of a traditionally installed unit.

John O'Conner Landscaping Quartix Customer Story

Driving-style monitoring beneficial for grounds maintenance company

Matt O'Conner of John O'Conner Grounds Maintenance tells us how the Quartix system benefits his business, its customers and the environment as a whole.

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