Enhance your customer service with vehicle tracking

Use the tools in your vehicle tracking system to delight your customers and keep them loyal to your business

Stay ahead of the competition by delivering superior service

In this guide, you’ll learn the surprising ways that you can use the features of your vehicle tracking system to provide an exceptional experience to your clients and customers. Telematics gives you:

  • Up-to-date information on your drivers’ locations
  • Visibility of any delays due to traffic or unforeseen circumstances
  • Accurate timesheets to ensure customers know they are being billed correctly
  • Geofences to alert you when a driver is approaching a location


Use features such as route maps and postcode location searches to get to more customers as quickly as possible. With reports available online whenever you need them, you’ll be better equipped to answer client queries without having to sift through paper files.


Vehicle tracking helps you drive down excessive costs, leaving you more money to invest in customer service. At the same time, benefits like accurate timesheets can make billing and payroll easier, freeing up you and your staff to concentrate on your clients’ experience.

Provide efficient service whilst operating a safe, accountable fleet with vehicle tracking

“We find that our customers’ confidence is enhanced when we share with them that our vehicles are GPS tracked. The information Quartix provides can really help you to build a good customer relationship and enhance trust.”

– Matt O’Conner, John O’Conner Landscaping

Your guide to excellent customer service

With vehicle tracking, ensure your business retains happy, satisfied clients who will recommend your service to others.