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Looking back at 2021
2021 has been a difficult year for everyone and with the challenges that continue to lie ahead, we thought it important to look back at the more positive memories made. Thanks to our staff and our customers continued support, Quartix weathered the changing storm and found so many reasons to be proud this year. We’d like to share those with you as we look back at […]
20 December 2021Read more
How vehicle tracking can help maintain a healthy fleet during times of inactivity
Vehicle tracking is always a valuable tool for a business that relies on its mobility, but it can be just as useful to your fleet during periods of inactivity.
8 December 2021Read more
Improving driver performance: The pros, cons and alternatives to in-cab feedback
Many vehicle tracking companies have an in-cab feedback option as a way to improve driver behaviour and reduce the risk of accidents, but there are several reasons why it might not be best for your business.
24 August 2021Read more
Reducing the costs of operating a busy fleet
Industries such as logistics, haulage or passenger transport have the potential for huge savings when it comes to fuel and vehicle maintenance. Here are some ways to transform fleet operations and drive down these key expenses.
10 May 2021Read more
Can telematics create savings for site-based teams?
If your company vehicles remain at customer or work sites for most of the day, you might be wondering how a vehicle tracking system can benefit your business. Here are five different ways you can still create significant savings with telematics technology.
16 April 2021Read more
What does UK law say about vehicle tracking?
Understand the legal responsibilities for business owners and fleet managers that accompany using a vehicle tracking system.
14 April 2021Read more
How does a vehicle tracking system monitor vehicle temperatures?
Learn about our temperature monitoring alerts that keep you informed of temperature changes that could seriously affect goods and products.
3 March 2021Read more
20 Years of Vehicle Tracking
To mark the 20th anniversary of Quartix vehicle tracking, we wanted to take the chance to reflect on our journey. Quartix started with one mission – to enable businesses to build efficient fleet operations. We couldn’t be prouder of how far Quartix has come in the last two decades.
15 February 2021Read more
Ultra low emission zones: How can you prepare your fleet?
As a fleet manager or business owner, you need to have a plan for navigating ultra low emission zones and other congestions areas. Find out what's involved and how vehicle tracking can help.
20 January 2021Read more
What the new COVID tier system means for fleet travel
Learn how vehicle tracking can help you manage your fleet during the pandemic. Use geofencing and more to manage travel between COVID tiers.
1 December 2020Read more