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It can give me an instant, online snapshot of where any one of my vehicles is at any given time.
UK fleet tracking
Rygor Group Services, based in Westbury, Wiltshire, provide distribution, trailer rental, contract hire, and warehousing services for some of the UK’s leading companies including Coca-Cola Enterprises, Wavin Plastics, Linpac Corrugated Cases and Jordan Cereals.
Group Director Clive Squire looks after the haulage and distribution, rental and leasing side of the Group’s business. Rygor run a fleet of 120 vehicles throughout the UK. With each vehicle averaging approximately 1,400 miles a week (75,000 miles per year), Clive Squire has a lot of men and machines to keep track of.

Real-time reports
To help him keep track, Rygor recently installed a new internet-based vehicle tracking system, supplied by Quartix. Backed up by the Orange network, the system provides real-time information accessible online, and a full log of vehicle activity is delivered by email every morning. Because it’s internet-based there’s no special software to install, and data is supplied in either HTML or Microsoft Excel format.
What does he like about the Quartix system? “It can give me an instant, online snapshot of where any one of my vehicles is at any given time. It provides an accurate breakdown of the miles covered, the average speed, and whether or not they’re using the direct route.
“The signs are encouraging and earnings per truck are increasing.”

Cost benefit
The Quartix system has worked really well, enabling me to identify where there may be problems on a particular customer site, where a driver may be delayed for his next drop or where there may be too long (or insufficient time) scheduled between drops. Any problems can then be addressed with the driver – or, in some cases, with the customer.”
Clive Squire explains some of the issues he needed to address when choosing a tracking system. “The key issue is cost against benefit. In other words, the system’s worth is judged simply on the basis of whether efficiency savings in time and fuel more than outweigh the weekly costs of installing and running the system.” The drivers and the vehicles are one of Rygor’s main assets, so Clive has to get the best out of them, and find out where they can be more productive. He adds that the introduction of the Working Time Directive will make this information a vital part of management.
Clive Squire is impressed. Rygor Group installed the system in November and the cost and efficiency benefits are beginning to show. “The signs are encouraging and earnings per truck are increasing.”