Quartix Tracks “Roundabouts to Ausfahrts” as Blind Veterans UK aim for 24 countries in 5 days!

5 May 2017

In the latest exciting fundraiser from Blind Veterans UK, Chief of Staff, Nathan Muirhead and Head of Transport, Chris Kirk are setting off on the 8th May to drive through 24 countries in 5 days!

Departing from Brighton on 8th May, the trip covers, on average, one country every 5 hours over 5 days! Chris Kirk asked Quartix for their help in tracking the progress of the challenge because of the reliability of the units and their extremely good track record with tracking for the charity vehicles.

Blind Veterans UK currently support more vision-impaired veterans than ever before in the charity’s history and have set an ambitious target to double the number of blind veterans receiving life-changing support by 2022. The blind veteran population is aging and in five years, more than 40% of the blind veterans we support will be over 90. As well as blindness, they are also likely to have other complex needs, some of which will impact both their desire and ability to travel and stay away from home. Blind Veterans UK is investing in community-based teams of social care and rehabilitation professionals so that beneficiaries continue to receive the high standard of support that has always provided and to bring services closer to them.

This is a fantastic level of ambition but will require more staff, more volunteers and more money to make it happen, and Nathan/Chris would like to help make a difference.  They will be setting a personal challenge of crossing through 24 countries in just 5 days! That is up to 16 hours of driving and covering up to 1000 miles a day!

Get involved and follow their journey through 24 countries. The current plan will see them visit: France, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Luxembourg. Phew!

To find out more and support them see https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/europechallenge or text the following “BVUK70 £5” to 70070 (you can change the amount to give any amount)

You can track progress live! Just go to  https://www.quartix.com/en-gb/sign-in/ and enter the following details:

Subscriber ID – Blind Veterans

User Name – GV58 MDX

Password – bve963mdX

Click on Live Tracking (top left of menu) , then OK

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